Sunday, October 12, 2014


“Whether he likes it or not, a writer for the stage must face the fact that the making of a play is, finally, a collaborative venture, and plays have rarely achieved a full-scale success without being in some manner raised about their manuscript level by brilliant gifts of actors, directors, designers, and frequently even the seasoned theatrical instincts of their producers.” (Tennessee Williams)

The question is frequently raised, “what is true collaboration?” And similarly, in the theater, who makes up this  “collaborating team”  this “dream team” and is it necessary for a successful production? Let us begin with vision, a production process has to start with a vision. Melissa Silverstein says, “Keep fighting for your vision...your voice counts. Your vision matters.” It is important to initially set the stage with a clear vision and purpose for how you plan to tell the story. Once this is established, communication can start to flow. This is where the playwright, director, and designers and begin effectively collaborating. If it is not purpose driven, it is simply like drawing circles in the sandbox!
If the playwright is a part of this collaborative process, as Tennessee Williams wrote, “he will listen, he will consider; he will give receptive attention to any creative mind that he has the good fortune to work with. His own mind and it’s tastes, with open like the gates of a city no longer under siege.”Ok, I know you, as the reader, are quite possibly laughing at this quote thinking “you have never met a playwright before!” It is true that playwrights can be contrary individuals when coming to others tweaking and prodding  the inner workings of their masterpieces. They can be quite opposed to the group’s collaborative efforts, dare I dub them, opinions. But, if the baseline of trust has been established in the room; a simple two-way communication system set into place that the playwright can feel a safety in the created group. 
After vision questions such as, “How does that tell the story?” and “Does that fit the vision?” Then the actors become involved. If the actors are not on the same page in rehearsals, and are holding back ideas or lack in the shared vision, they become obstacles. Obstacles are what stop communication, and communication has to happen in collaboration. This does not mean “everyone agrees all the time!” It means people are wrestling with ideas and tackling the story from different angles and verbalizing them. This means the actors are in the scenes with each other, and when they are not on stage they are watching, thinking, grappling and discussing with the director and the designers ideas about how to draw the audience into their world. This is true collaboration. It involves conflict, and disagreements, talking and listening which are all essential for creating value. “Theatre is a communal art, “ as Mamet said, “it’s for all.” We must simply, “Trust the collaborative process as art.”

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Masters in Theatre

I've been feeling very reminiscent about teaching this week. We started this new book in one of my grad classes "Master Teachers of Theatre" and it stirred up a myriad of emotions hidden inside of me. I love teaching. I love directing. I love acting. I love making music. But there is something about teaching that is built in me, as if my insides are hard-wired to "assume the teacher identity," in some capacity.

Teaching, for me, is about being forthright and sharing myself with the people in the room. Being humble enough, on the daily, to ask inner-Abigail "did that work for the people or just sound good in your head?" Teaching is about creating a safe haven for my students to feel freedom in their own skin, allowing for mistakes to be made, while demonstrating strong character and encouraging them to be the best version of themselves. It's about classroom management- yes, I actually like classroom management!- the challenge of being better because students want to be in that room, in that moment, learning about what I'm passionate about. Being a teacher forces me to grow up. I have to be in charge. I have to constantly be learning new things, but I'm also constantly learning from other people- which is awesome. Growing up is where it's at, without those four years in public education, I don't know where who I'd be right now!

Anyway...Graduate School is a whole different kind of growing and stretching. It's a whole new ballgame over here. I'm so happy for this change, I know 100% that it's the right one. While I loved teaching, classroom wasn't the right fit for me, this is EXACTLY where I'm supposed to be right now. BUT I'm completely out of my comfort zone right now, WHICH IS GREAT, because that's where I like to live life- makes for SO much more growing up. (Even if it means I'm scared out of my mind half of the time.)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

New Year: Lessons


I have been getting a lot of e-mails about private lessons. I am still teaching!  My schedule is very tight this fall because of graduate school, but I still have openings. If you are interested in taking a private voice lesson e-mail me at and I'll set you up.

If you are interested in Wizard of Oz audition prep lessons- I have a few openings left, please contact me ASAP.

If you are interested in WORKSHOPS with ATA we are listing them this week the website and I will update them on here...

If you are interested in the THEORY WORKSHOP. That will be offered every other week on Saturday mornings.

Thank you,

Friday, May 23, 2014

Music Listening Bee

If you want to come see a Sweeeet Music Listening Competition, you have three opportunities to come out and see! Guilford Elementary School-Check in at the office and get a Visitor's pass, be sure to do so a little early, since the compeition is only 45 minutes long we have to start on time :) Hope to see you there:)

May 27 (Tuesday) 11:05, GYM. Ms Jolly's Class and Mr. Isley's Class

May 28 (Wednesday) 11:05 GYM. Ms.Adams Class and Mr. Cotterman's Class

May 29 (Thursday) 11:10 In my classroom (this will be tight, but we'll make it work), Ms. Foster's Class

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Music Listening Bee

Oh my word Y'all. 

I can't even tell you how proud I am of my 3rd graders at Guilford Elementary School. They are the Smartest, Cutest, Coolest kids in town- and they are gonna stinking ROCK this Music Listening Bee's SOCKS off. They have worked their little behinds off in class and let me tell you, it is paying off because they know this stuff so well. I am BEAMING in class when I play a piece and say, " Name this musical Era" and Student X says, "BAROQUE!" I want to burst at the seams it's just the best feeling in the world. So if you are a third grader and you are reading this right now, know that I am one PROUD MUSIC TEACHER. Y'all have worked hard and well and I am very pleased :)

Working in teams to find the answers to the questions. Team three was KILLING it. This was a Musical CandyLand game that I made up- simple concept. Team draws a card, they can progress to that color is they can answer the music questions. I play a piece, they have to answer one of the three questions, "Composer, Title, Era" of the piece. If they get it correct they progress. If they get it wrong, the next team takes the color.... only one person from each team can answer, they really have to work together, and know the answers. It's a great game. SUPER proud of them.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Three Piggy Opera

We are working on our own Three Piggy Opera (First Grade), which I think it just the cutest little mini musical.
This is the best little montage I found online to show my kids what it will be like to get them excited :) They are going to perform in class in front on their parents as a sharing for the end of the year. This is a great way for me to say goodbye to teaching for a while too, since I'm leaving GES for a full time Graduate School Program.

Silly Symphony fun
Love these oldies

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

DIY Mini Erasers

I have been on a student whiteboard kick, using them for informal assessments and loving it. The only thing that was annoying me about them is that I was having the kids use paper towels as erasers and they were leaving them on the floor and I hate when my room is messy. So I decided to make some student erasers today. I cut up an old cardboard box and some left over bed foam I had from making crate seats, and hot glued them and decorated. Then I place one in each of the "under the chair" boxes I made out of paint liners. SO easy and convenient. 

First just cut up some old cardboard and foam.

I put glue on the "messy side" so the other side I could sharpie decorate

Attach the foam.

Cut off the extra pieces

Press down to make sure it's stuck for realz.

Then I added their seat numbers and just scribbled on the edges for decoration.

And Voila. Done. I'm very pleased with the outcome.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Recorder Notation

While I do have my recorder students always mark their music with the note letter names, just so I can get a quick informal assessment of whether they understand the lines and spaces or not; I also have them mark their music with the recorder hole numbers.

I took a song from the 2nd grade curriculum (Making Music, Silver/Burdett), a Puerto Rico song (which is great cross-curricular and can tie in with the Spanish teacher's lessons) and decided to use it on the recorder. My first group to attempt the little diddy was my most advanced group. They loved it, and the students who forgot their recorders (there are always a few) sang along with them. I accompanied on the ukulele and it was a really fun class.

The was a great break from Recorder Karate and individual testing. It gave them a sense of "band practice" which is what I'm trying to get them excited about-leading into middle school.

The next group I tried was my lowest group. They were...challenged to say the least. They just don't practice or really care about improving so they kinda got stuck because they realized they can't play together as a "band" if they never work on it individually. It was a rude awakening for some of the kids. But, even with these challenges they found a way to have fun.

Here are some pictures of the song and markings.

This is our "recorder cheat sheet" where I have labeled all the recorder hole markings.
This way they can identify and label both numbers and letters in their music. 

We really worked on rests and counting on this piece. The meter is 3/4 which is different for them, so it proved to be a little challenging. I have them highlight all rests and notes they will have to "hold out" like half notes etc.

Just close ups of the piece above. I inserted these pictures into a slide show and used that on my large TV screen because I don't have a projector or an elmo. It proved to be quite successful.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bullitan Board Ideas

I made these little worksheets for the 2nd graders to do during multicultural month. It goes along with the song "All the Way Around the World." I just drew a picture and then wrote, "what makes you happy" on the sheet and they filled in some things that make them happy. I don't have my own board, so I sticky-clipped them to the wall outside my door. I finished off this display with a poster I drew of the same picture, and had all the 1st graders sign it. Super easy, super cute, and helped the kids personalize the song.

The poster I made for them to sign.

I just displayed a few of the completed sheets. But it made a really sweet impact.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fill In the Beat Box

We are learning about 4/4 time in first grade. This week they learned how to fill their "beat box" (personal white board) with the correct number of beats using either quarter notes or 8th notes.
This was a fun, exciting, and personalized activity that allowed the students to be creative within the parameters of the 4/4 measure. I was also able to assess,very quickly, the students who understood the rhythms and who needed more guidance. We are only using "ta" and "ti" right now.

First part of lesson learning the values of the difference stems/heads.

Student Example 1

Student Example 2

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dancers In School: #proudmotherhen

The Carolina Ballet Company sent two of their members to our school today. It was fabulous to experience the strength and beauty of ballet, up front and personal. The two dancers demonstrated their daily stretches, partner work, choreography, discussed how to stay fit and flexible, and gave tips for the students in their daily life (eat well, sleep, exercise, etc..) The kids enjoyed the jumps and spins, and the fancy "couple work" they did (as one 5th grader put it.)
Being "choreographers" for the selected 5th graders

Teaching the 3rd graders "floor work" and "jumps"

Demonstrating bar work for the students

The stage set-up with portable bars, something I would LOVE to purchase for my classroom and for the after school ballet club I'd love to teach one day. Note the BEAUTIFUL costumes in the corner of the stage.

It was interactive too, while I would have changed the layout a bit myself, for the first time out I thought they did a fine educational job. I tend to be picky when it comes to assemblies, so I won't post anything negative.
They even taught the fifth graders choreography!

Before the assembly I gave one third grade class a pre-test and it asked questions like, " What is Ballet?" and "Name a few famous ballet pieces..." I was incredibly pleased that all my students named the Swan Lake, Peter and the Wolf, and the Nutcracker! I felt like a proud mama when I knew my kids were listening to me in class all those months back :)

While some of the answers are, obviously, incorrect (i.e. boys don't wear pointe shoes) I'm SO excited that they were MOSTLY correct on all the PRE test knowledge. #proudmotherhen

Monday, April 7, 2014

Multicultural Day Collaborations

I am fortunate to be really great friends with the P.E. and Art teachers at my school, so this type of collaborating was really easy for me. We decided to work together to merge all the arts into what they were learning in the classrooms ( VERY cross-curricular we were!) The P.E. teacher taught traditional folk dances to each grade and their prospective area of the world they were representing in the festival. The Art teacher had the students do art work, and the art club design flag-decorated-letters. It was a beautiful hallway display! I had to show off the kid's (and teacher's) hard work :)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Multicultural Day: A Hit!

I'm looking through all my pictures thinking... man I wish i had taken pictures of the actual performance!
I never get pictures of the events, just leading up to them, because I'm running around doing seventy different things- I don't have time to take pictures.
This Festival was a huge success, however, and something I am incredibly proud of. I planned 6 week unit plans for each grade, assigning a different area of the world for each grade to focus on. This was great because they didn't get overwhelmed (and I didn't!) feeling like they needed to have knowledge to share about the WHOLE WORLD. So I assigned each grade to a different geographical location, and this worked out so well. The students shared with the rest of the school what they learned, and I felt that the whole world was somehow included in our special day!

Here is a sneak peak at some of the fun things we did in class.
World Instrument stations/band.
more to come....

Wednesday, April 2, 2014



Fifth graders I have uploaded tutorials for ALL of the belts.
I have uploaded a video for RECORDER ENSEMBLE.

Miss VP

"All the way around the world"

You can now sing along with this video...

or Click here if you can't see it...

This Boat's gonn carry Happiness....Harmony....Love/Peace....Hope/Strength...all the way around the world.

Chorus: All the way around the world, this boat's gonna fly with it's sails unfurled, to every boy and every girl, all the way around the world.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Company sings

So my company of kids are singing on Friday, February 28th, for Multicultural Day.
They are excited, but with all the snow days we've hardly ha any time to practice.
Here is a practice video so they can work on stuff at home.
be sure to check out their website too.

If you can't see this go to THIS LINK

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Frère Jacques

I'm excited about this one! My first graders are representing France in the Multicultural Day Festival

There are several cute French songs, the catch is I only have five weeks to completely prepare them for the show. I really don't like the idea of simply teaching for concerts. That type of scenario can become the music teacher's version of Teaching to the Test, if we aren't careful. I really want my kids to learn about what they are singing, the historical context, the theory, the solfege, the meaning, etc. 

French Flag
So I put together a power-point on France, you know- famous landmarks, sample phrases, clips of people speaking french...Then I taught them how to say, " Hi, how are you?" then I said, " music class is fun!" (Of course they need to know how to say THAT in french *smiles*)

Sample Phrases

We discussed...

  • "What is a monk?" 
  • "What does a monk do?"
  • "Why do they call each other, brother?"
  • "Why are they ringing a bell?"
The hair was the favorite part...

Next, we talked about quarter notes and ties. "Dor-met-Vous------" We discussed the note values and why we would tie two quarter notes together. This was a lively discussion, they identified all the ties in the music (there are four.) (The below example uses a half note, this we also discussed.)

Then I added the the ukulele and the foot tambourine. Once they learned to sing it, we added the xylophones, the "bells."

Playing "F's" on the down beats.

Playing the bass xylophone.

So fun!