Friday, May 23, 2014

Music Listening Bee

If you want to come see a Sweeeet Music Listening Competition, you have three opportunities to come out and see! Guilford Elementary School-Check in at the office and get a Visitor's pass, be sure to do so a little early, since the compeition is only 45 minutes long we have to start on time :) Hope to see you there:)

May 27 (Tuesday) 11:05, GYM. Ms Jolly's Class and Mr. Isley's Class

May 28 (Wednesday) 11:05 GYM. Ms.Adams Class and Mr. Cotterman's Class

May 29 (Thursday) 11:10 In my classroom (this will be tight, but we'll make it work), Ms. Foster's Class

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Music Listening Bee

Oh my word Y'all. 

I can't even tell you how proud I am of my 3rd graders at Guilford Elementary School. They are the Smartest, Cutest, Coolest kids in town- and they are gonna stinking ROCK this Music Listening Bee's SOCKS off. They have worked their little behinds off in class and let me tell you, it is paying off because they know this stuff so well. I am BEAMING in class when I play a piece and say, " Name this musical Era" and Student X says, "BAROQUE!" I want to burst at the seams it's just the best feeling in the world. So if you are a third grader and you are reading this right now, know that I am one PROUD MUSIC TEACHER. Y'all have worked hard and well and I am very pleased :)

Working in teams to find the answers to the questions. Team three was KILLING it. This was a Musical CandyLand game that I made up- simple concept. Team draws a card, they can progress to that color is they can answer the music questions. I play a piece, they have to answer one of the three questions, "Composer, Title, Era" of the piece. If they get it correct they progress. If they get it wrong, the next team takes the color.... only one person from each team can answer, they really have to work together, and know the answers. It's a great game. SUPER proud of them.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Three Piggy Opera

We are working on our own Three Piggy Opera (First Grade), which I think it just the cutest little mini musical.
This is the best little montage I found online to show my kids what it will be like to get them excited :) They are going to perform in class in front on their parents as a sharing for the end of the year. This is a great way for me to say goodbye to teaching for a while too, since I'm leaving GES for a full time Graduate School Program.

Silly Symphony fun
Love these oldies