Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cute Car & My New Jacket.

November 4th, 2011


Cute Car.

"Hey Miz Van Patter," waved little third grade Tameka as I drove past in my car. "Have a good weekend Tameka," I smiled back through the half opened window.
"See I told you it was Miz VP! You didn't believe me!" Tameka squealed to Amiah who was squinting in my direction. "Nuh-uh!" Amiah replied.
"THAT'S THE MUSIC TEACHER..." Tameka explained, in her best "tour guide" voice, to the "younger" kids in her posse.
     "Girl, your car is cuh-ute!" Yelled Amiah to me, turning to Tameka, "Aint that junk hot?"

My Jacket.

"Miz you hot in here?" Angel asked, fanning his face as he spoke. "Yeah, it's really hot in here today, I tried to open the windows but they're stuck," I answered.
"I got a new jacket. My ma, she bought be this hundred dollar coat, I was sweating in it all day. That junk be hot, Isaiah aint' that junk be draw'n?" Isaiah nodded, a little peeved he didn't have the jacket himself, I think. "Miz. He all hype about that jacket."
"It's like a fall, winter, and spring coat in one. You can take it apart. That's cool?" He asked, needing my approval. "That's cool, Miz, right, that's cool?" I smiled, "Very cool." "Yeah, it's north face, that stuff's nasty, right?" He flashed me a smile.

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